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The takedown of the west

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The takedown of the west Empty The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Sun May 02, 2021 1:38 am

How the war against the west is being conducted.

The development of guerilla warfare has been attributed to Mao Tse-tung during his long march where the communist party rose to power in China and the nationalist party retreated to Taiwan. It is a new type of warfare that enables a far smaller weaker group to take over a far greater power . Basically it is a slow incremental operation of a thousand cuts until the defending power is so broken down it no longer has the ability to mount its own defence and thus has to fall.

This type of warfare was employed in many third world countries that used to be aligned with the western colonial powers but are now considered liberated and are largely anti west unless there are free handouts in the form of “AID” employed. The western nations never grasped that they were in fact being out flanked by their enemies !

It turns out that many people in the western nations do not understand that they are in fact under a full attack with this kind of warfare being employed. Lets face it you cannot take out a country like the United States by means of an open frontal attack and expect to actually win. You have to soften it up and wreck it internally first before anything like that can be attempted. For the most part people just think the world has gone bonkers and is being run by clowns.

Now to prove my point lets take a look at the blatantly obvious;

There is no way in Hell that you can look on a patriot as some one bad if viewed from the perspective of someone that is loyal to their own country. But if you are an enemy of that country and want to see it destroyed then yes, you would consider a patriot as dangerous because they are the ones that want to defend and preserve the country you wish to destroy.

Now this gives you an easy reference as to whom the enemies and who the friends of the country actually are. Those that are labelling the patriots as domestic terrorist are in fact the enemies of the country, who want to destroy it. How in Gods name are they being left to roam free, in positions of power and spread their poison ?

It soon becomes obvious that the plans to take down the west has been in operation for over a generation and it is now, only at the end, that it all becomes obvious because it is no longer possible to hide it. In the final push at the end it all has to come out.

So lets define what a nation is;

A nation is a group of families that are bound by a common heritage, language , culture and religion that occupy an area of recognized land and sea that they call their own. The people are the nation, their government only gives representation to the nation on the international stage. You can see this laid out with the different nations of Europe. A Frenchman will not be confused with a German or an Englishman or Spaniard. They are separate nations even though they have all joined together in the European Union.

Now the United States has developed their own history, culture and language even though the people are made up of many other nationals. Because of this it has become easy for other nations to spot a Yank as they pass by. The shades, the camera, the dress and the accent. The United States is its own nation in all ways. Even its gangsters are recognized as uniquely American. Those of other nations definitely have a different flavour.

Now what is being done to take down America;

The first is to dissolve the glue that holds the nation together. The bottom building block of any nation is the basic family structure which is why so much effort has been expended on ripping the families apart and inserting the state into areas where it should never be.

The next structure that is being pulled apart is the culture. The markers of history such as statues are destroyed and literature from different past generations demonized and banned. The education system has been used to dumb down two entire generations, ridicule the concept of the family unit, Stigmatize the national history and rip out the national religion. The youth that would be required to defend the nation if invaded, are indoctrinated into becoming sexual deviants with a Satanist outlook.

One thing every nation needs to defend itself when attacked is economic generators to maintain its war machine and equipment supplies. Fast food stands are just not going to cut it. Through tax manipulations the nations manufacturing industries have been pushed into other countries and the old US industrial centres have collapsed into rust belts. Kind of hard to defend yourself from China if China just happens to be your main supplier of materials and equipment. Basically check mate right there. As a final precaution the other best way to shut down a nations economic infrastructure is to lock down its population so there are not enough people out there left to adequately keep the remaining economic infrastructure functioning. In comes covid. And out goes the nations food security. Also you end up with one hell of an eroded tax base, if there are no incomes to pay income tax on. The crisis on the southern boarder is not about refugees, its to provide cover for invading armies that can lay low until crunch time when they can bring down the nations utility infrastructure at the most critical moments, they do not even need weapons, all they need are hand tool and matches. That’s how guerilla warfare works. Does not take much to cut a telephone cable in order to wreck communications. But I’m sure you have the basic concepts by now.

It has also become very obvious that the nations leadership has been compromised as well. Wether by bribes or blackmail they seem to be doing their best to wreck the nations from within and devastate its economy and currency as a unit of exchange. Not to forget its energy independence as well. Do not think North America will not be subject to direct invasion soon. It has been in the planning for a very long time !


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Sun May 02, 2021 2:04 am


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Fri May 07, 2021 11:38 am

Just to clarify. This is the dictionary definition of what a patriot is;

patriot >noun a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it.
-DERIVATIVES patriotic >adjective patriotically >adverb patriotism >noun.
-ORIGIN Latin patriota 'fellow countryman', from Greek patris 'fatherland'.

Just how the nation got to the stage where this has become a bad thing boggles the mind. But now the department of defense wants to purge the army of all patriots, so the question is, who will be left and who is going to actually defend the country if attacked ?

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Wed May 12, 2021 9:37 pm


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Sun May 23, 2021 1:00 am


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:20 pm

It is obvious that he is not in service to the country he leads.


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:54 am

This has been repeated on quite a few sites so there is probably something like this happening. But this action is blatantly open genocide. I have to ask the question, who would want to bring about an extinction level event like this. Sure a single forest fire would probably bring us right again but if this goes on for too long, ?


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:14 pm


Shut down the oil industry, double prices, create hyper inflation, poison and destroy the health of the citizens, fire half the doctors and nurse, Fire first responders, discharge our sailors, army, marines, pilots, drain the military oil reserves.
Open the boarders, defund the police.
What could go wrong? JOHN S.

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Sun May 08, 2022 8:25 pm

You will notice that Biden just called the MEGA movement the greatest threat to "our democracy" ever. Well from his perspective it would be true, so lets look at what his perspective is !

First off when he says our democracy he is using double speak for the globalist movement. It is not referring to the American democracy at all. The MEGA movement is made up of the countries patriots. Patriots love their country and want to protect it and uphold it which is the exact opposite of what Biden wants to do. He wants to break the country and subdue it so as to be able to place it under the new one world government controlled by the united nations. He has identified the patriots as the enemy because he knows that they are the ones that will want to oppose this. Kind of hard to break a country when there are a whole lot of people wanting to defend it, hence the need to get rid of the second amendment. Gets real hard when those you want to dominate can fire back.

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Thu May 12, 2022 4:29 am

The only people that will demonize a nations patriots is the enemies of the nation. This should be a no brainer, it should be glaringly obvious but this is not happening. Now why is that. It is because the enemies of the country has gained full control of the government of the country and now they are going to complete the job by provoking a war with a country that can destroy it. There is no greater tool in the arsenal of evil than the rule of law. This is how all the great atrocities of the last century were enabled.

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Fri May 20, 2022 6:35 pm


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Tue May 24, 2022 10:12 am

The point has now been reached where the globalists are openly threatening individual nation states to submit or be destroyed by force. And half the worlds population is still asleep and unaware of the great danger they are in.


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:31 pm

Mean while back in the USA the founder of oath keepers sits in Jail, why because the enemies of the nation have control of the reigns of power and the job now is to bring the population into subjection, the same as what happened after the communist takeover in the USSR where millions were killed by the new ruling order.


Obviously all the conspiracy talk of FEMA camps and Guillotines was correct and is now coming out of the closet.

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Tue May 02, 2023 6:44 pm

Here is a question for you all; The education system says it knows best when it comes to education and that it is equipping the kids to function in the world of the future. Now what is this world of the future going to look like with all this woke crap. Lets define what this future world is going to look like and how is it going to function

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:35 pm

How the war against America is being waged.

There has never been any record that I can find where the governing body of a nation has criminalized the patriots of that nation they govern by calling them domestic terrorists, Through all recorded history going back to the old Babylonian Empire this has never happened. In fact most nations encourage their patriots and some modern governments have even set aside funds to encourage patriot movement among their youth. 

Now why has this situation come about, Well a patriot is a loyal citizen who loves their country and wants to defend it and build it up. Obviously if this noble pursuit is opposed then it would indicate that those people opposing are not wanting to build the country up and defend it. They are the ones that should be considered the enemies of the country but for some reason we are finding them in the positions of power. It is obvious that these are people that serve some other institution that is opposed to the Republic of the United States. This would indicate that the Republic is already under enemy control and these traitors are trying to dismantle the nation from with in by using the instruments of state as a tool to achieve this. 

To prove this point lets look at the policies that have been implemented thus far;

1) Through never ending wars they have done their best to get the nation so deep in dept it can never get out but all the money goes every where else while intentionally not spending on the up keep of the infrastructure of the country itself. 

2) The energy security of the nation is being dismantled so as to leave the nation with no reserves, This includes the oil for transport and coal for electricity generation. The grid is one step away from collapsing and costs of fuel artificially high. 

3) Through tax manipulation the engines that drove the countries economies have been driven off shore to other nations with the result that the industrial belts have been reduced to rust belts. 

4) The nations food security has been wrecked through movements like the green movements and the burning down of food precessing plants etc. Come on Cow farts are destroying the world so all the cattle need to be eliminated and we are to eat insects ! What about the loss of cheese for pizza if all the cows go. It is obvious that the intention is food control so as to use food extortion to control the population. 

5) Despite the hype the nations military is only as good as its soldiers and efforts have been made to turn them all queer while lowering the standards for recruitment and training. This has been done to deliberately weaken the forces and demobilize those that remain. 

6) The education system has been totally wrecked and turned into propaganda outlets for wokeness. The current crop of kids entering the labor market are clueless but they know all about the 32 sexes and what pronouns to use. Ask a college graduate what country Mount Rushmore is located in and they have no idea. They even have a problem deciding if Lee Harvey Oswald was the only gunman that shot Jesus from the grassy knoll. Its become a youtube joke asking questions of these university students and posting videos of the results for all the world to see. But the worst part is these kids have been taught to hate their own country and if white, to hate their own race and if colored to believe they are oppressed and owed. Already, by the time this crop of kids reach leadership positions the Republic is totally screwed. 

7) Law enforcement has been hog tied to such an extent that they are being used to protect the criminals while the victims are left out in the cold, The result is that entire cities are dying with massive drug addicted homeless populations living in the streets while houses and apartment are left empty because no one an afford to live in them. A sure sign the nation is already starting to perish. 

Cool The nations boarders have been flung wide open so as to encourage a huge influx of persons that cannot find work to enter. A lot of them are going to be coming in with the intention of waging sabotage just before invasion so as to weaken or cripple the nation further. 

9) Those in power are deliberately trying to goad both Russia and China into a war that the nation does not have the power to win. The republic no longer has the industrial might or the strategic resources to win a war on this scale. In fact in just about all the wars the nation has been held back from winning. Big ships and mighty air force means nothing if there is not a constant supply of ammo for a long duration or fuel, game over. The troops will have to swap their rainbow flags for white ones. They have also been making enemies the world over in the name of the Republic so that there will be no allies to provide much in the way of support in the next WW3. All the former friends of the allies in the second world war are now firmly in the Russian and Chinese camps and all their strategic minerals will be going to them. 

10) Any excuse can be given for the removal of anything Christian from the nation, But the real reason is so as to create a vacuum that is to be filled by something else, Hence the rise of Satanism which is presented with all flowers and spice but removes all moral absolutes concerning what is wrong or right. 

Well now you know why there is such a push to take down the American flag as if its something dirty. It so obvious that those in power are actually anti American and when they talk of preserving democracy it is not in reference to American democracy, it is their democracy in the New World Order that is not controlled by elected officials but by those appointed by the globalists who are only interested in their own greed and power. And they only want the United States broken and out the way.

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:13 pm

The takedown of the west 6558bdd4f8f8b4b7

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:50 pm

This applies mostly to the USA but there is probably going to be similar things going on in other countries. It is preparation for the opening up of the fifth seal of the book of Revelation and it is something that everyone needs to be made aware of even if they are not religious. 


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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:25 am

When you throw God out the window, then the devil walks in through the front door and makes himself at home. The first thing the devil does is remove all traces of what remains of God so as to separate the people fully and ensure their destruction. 

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:11 pm

We all really need to have a closer examination of this submission thing; especially in our current time.

Consider this;

When Jesus made a whip and chased all the money lenders out the Temple he was in defiance of secular leadership. But he was right in doing so.

When the disciples where instructed to stop teaching the gospels in the book of acts they were in rebellion against the secular leadership. But they were right and if they did not we would be without understanding now in our time.

We see from the book of acts that many of the original saints had to flee Jerusalem because they were being persecuted for their confession of faith in Christ. They were being punished because they were in rebellion against the secular leadership, but in this the gospel was spread over a much larger area of the earth.

In the very near future we are going to be instructed to take the mark of the beast, are we going to be obedient to the secular leadership over this. The answer should be a resounding NO !

Yes the leadership is ordained by God but in many cases the leadership is appointed as a form of judgment over a nation to punish them. This is where the handing over to their own delusions comes from. Take a look at the current secular leadership over the west. most are all into occult practices, in some cases pure satanic worship sacrificing to demons. It is obvious they are appointed as punishment. They are there to bring Gods judgments upon the nations. The saints were asleep as they crept in and took over. Fact is that what we are looking at is the rise to power of the Son of Perdition. The saints were never expected to follow this .

Now this is important so remember it and pass it along. In fact show a copy of this post to your pastors and observe their reactions.

Here in North America the pastors have been approached by the government three letter agencies to become crisis management agents. They are pressured economically through the non profit entitlements to sign up or lose those entitlements. The pastors are required to drive home to their respective flocks the demand that the flock remain in submission to the secular leadership of the day because that is what the Bible teaches. That teaching alone is unbalanced because it does not cover the requirements of the governing bodies in the teaching.

God is the senior law giver and the secular governments come second while in submission to the laws of God. A lawful government has to be operating under God to be legitimate. Not under science or satan or self will.

Now what has happened is that many pastors have been turned into Judas Goats. Their job will be that when the flock get rounded up for the "reeducation camps" They are to calm the saints by impressing upon them that they are to be submissive to the governing authorities because this is what God expects of them. So off to the ovens they go thinking they are being obedient to God when all the time it is satan that is just sweeping away the one thing that can offer any real opposition to satan.

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The takedown of the west Empty Re: The takedown of the west

Post by Traveler Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:29 am

It's nice to see others speaking out as well


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